The Things People Say

by Carol Clupny
  “You look great!”  “Parkinson’s? You don’t look sick.” “Oh I am sorry. I will pray for you.” “I have heard that the oil of the Mongolian skunk cures Parkinson’s” …and other things well-meaning people say. If you are living with Parkinson’s, you have heard…

Accepting My Parkinson’s

by Ned Neuhaus
In this video, Ned Neuhaus reflects on his journey toward accepting a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and the freedom it has given him. Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash Ned Neuhaus earned a Bachelor’s in Accountancy from the University of Illinois, is a CPA, and…

I Won’t Give Up!

by Nicole Jarvis, M.D.
I never in a million years thought I would be diagnosed with YOPD at the age of 38, in the prime of my career, and with 4 year old twins.

Navigating When and How to Share Your Parkinson’s Diagnosis

by Bill Bucklew
In this video, Bill Bucklew reflects on sharing a PD diagnosis. Photo by from Pexels…