A New Normal? On Faces, Masks, and Zoom

by Allan Cole
Feeling Zoomed-out on many days, I have wondered if we could all use a collective Zoomectomy!

On Illness, Drive, Dignity, and Dreams

by Allan Cole
Still Got It declares the large orange font placed off to the side of his left shoulder. A handsome and fit older man, he’s just pulled a full bag of groceries from the back of his SUV,

On Tires and Tests: Doing What You Can Do

by Allan Cole
The four of us have just left Frankie’s house and gotten on MoPac Expressway when we hear it: thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump…

A Letter to My Daughter on Determination

by Allan Cole
I often think back to that spring day in 2017, when you were nine and I had not yet told you about my having Parkinson’s disease; hardly anyone knew.

Five Questions for Rhonda Foulds

by Rhonda Foulds
What has surprised me most about living with PD is the large amount of activities I am still capable of doing.