Books & Resources
Living Well
Basslines, Crazy Uncles, and Mayo
by Allan Cole
The rhythmic, pulsating sounds remind me of playing bass guitar at Austin’s School of Rock.
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An Anniversary Letter to My Older Daughters
by Allan Cole
Today is my anniversary—my eighth with Parkinson’s.
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Empowered By Today
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
Yesterday is history with no promise of tomorrow.
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Making Music
by Allan Cole
“One of my regrets in life is that I never learned to play a musical instrument.”
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What I Don’t Miss
by Allan Cole
I want to share with you something else that I can thank Parkinson’s for.
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Medial Epicondylitis and Other Joys
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
I went outside yesterday and picked up half a cord of cut firewood the tree trimmers left for me.
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On Writing with Parkinson’s
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
I don’t just write to put words on paper.
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Deciding to Trust
by Allan Cole
Her large, compassionate eyes blink slowly and in earnest just above her surgical mask.
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Chronic Illness: Candor, Conversation, and Coping
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
It has been nearly 15 years and my wishes have not changed one iota.
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A Conversation with Davis Phinney
by Davis Phinney
In this conversation with Davis Phinney, we discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with Parkinson's disease.
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A Conversation with Veronique Enos Kaefer and Liz Diemer of The Michael J. Fox Foundation
by Veronique Enos Kaefer and Liz Diemer
A conversation about better treatments, cures, and community.
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Shield Walls
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
Our goal is to survive the next battle and fall back if needed to fight another day.
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On Jumping to the Skies
by Allan Cole
Harry sits across the round table in my campus office just after lunchtime.
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A Conversation with Dan Stultz, M.D.
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
"It is what it is. We live one day at a time."
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The Button
by Allan Cole
Before Parkinson’s, my fingers and hands worked better than they do now.
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Feeling Welcome
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
Respect also happens because everyone is a teacher, a knowledge sharer, and a reference for others.
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Expanding the Dot
by Avrel Seale
At 2:41 on a Friday afternoon in 2018, I was strolling through my office, perfectly healthy, and had a stroke.
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Falling Short and Punching Back
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
Falling short is a good term to describe how PD works.
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Five Years
by Allan Cole
The day before, Tracey minded me in a brief text that, “Tomorrow is your anniversary.”
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A Conversation with Soania Mathur, M.D.
by Soania Mathur, M.D.
Dr. Soania Mathur is a family physician living outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada who was diagnosed with Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease at age 28.
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A Conversation with Eric Eyre, Recipient of the Pulitzer Prize
by Eric Eyre
I sat down with Eric Eyre recently to chat about life with PD...
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by Allan Cole
Our lives are like sandcastles...
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Five Keys for Living Well with Parkinson’s
by Allan Cole
I started thinking about keys as they relate to a life with Parkinson’s...
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Keeping Score with the Animal: 12-1-1
by Dan Stultz, M.D.
I have been thinking about my “record” against Parkinson’s, or what I call, “The Animal.”
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