Riding the Wave

by Allan Cole
He floats on his back in the green glassy lake, his feet sticking out of the water and his toes gripping the rubber tread on the slick fiberglass board.

A Spiritual Thing (Guest Post For The Michael J. Fox Foundation)

by Allan Cole
Parkinson’s has helped me get better at relinquishing what I cannot control.

Seeing Adversity from the Back of a Sanctuary

by Allan Cole
Sitting at the back of the sanctuary, as I typically do, I think about how I got here.

Parkinson’s, Unfinished Spaces, and Spiritual Things

by Allan Cole
As with any chronic illness, Parkinson’s makes us journeyers. Against our will, it grabs us, disorients us, and places us on a path of discovery.

Spiritually Muddled

by Allan Cole
The 140 saints, cast in stone and perched atop the wrapping colonnade, add religious heft, while the developmentally delayed young girl in a wheelchair and the middle-aged blind man standing across the pool add humanity.