Dear Friends of PD Wise,
I write to update you on a forthcoming documentary, The Only Day We Have, that I am making with filmmaker Vanessa Reiser. She and I met a few years ago when we collaborated on a documentary titled Empowered By Parkinson’s.
For several months, Vanessa and I have worked on a new film that features stories of several people living with young-onset Parkinson’s or YOPD. They include former NBA star Brian Grant, Keri Shaw, a mother of two and endurance athlete, Maria De Leon, M.D., a neurologist, and movement disorder specialist, who also lives with Parkinson’s, and me, a husband, father, writer, and academic leader. In telling these stories, we intend to raise awareness of YOPD and to provide a glimpse into the challenges, relationships, passions, hopes, and dreams of those living with this illness.
Like Empowered by Parkinson’s, which was presented by Connecticut Public Television, our new documentary will be presented by PBS Austin and will air in early 2023. We are almost finished with shooting the film and have updated the trailer.
Many of you have asked how you may support the work of PD Wise. Making a high-quality film requires significant resources, especially a film that includes state-of-the-art sound, music, editing, and other technical qualities. Vanessa and I would be grateful to receive support for the film.
If you or your organization wish to become a patron, you may do HERE.
All patrons will be acknowledged in the film, with our deepest gratitude.
As always, thank you for your interest in PD Wise and for being a part of its community of persons with Parkinson’s, as well as their care partners, advocates, and friends.

Allan Cole