My Parkinson’s Landscape

by Ellen B. Pritsker
Parkinson’s is not always the only challenge.

On ‘Embracing the Suck’ with Parkinson’s Disease

by Allan Cole
Brené’s genius is that she recognizes that most of us live with pervasive shame, which ultimately quells our courage and prevents the kind of vulnerability that offers more joy.

Sex and Chronic Illness: Letting Worlds Collide

by Elizabeth Gaucher
One thing that never has to change is our dedication to our total selves...

Parkinson’s at Work: On Reslience and Purpose

by Allan Cole
Secrets maintain enormous power over those who hold them.

Going Public with Your Parkinson’s Diagnosis

by Allan Cole
Few decisions feel more personal or crucial than deciding whether to disclose a serious medical condition.

Buck’s Adventures in Parkinson’s: The Nest “Smart” Thermostat

by D. Richard Boone
How smart do you have to be to know that someone is shaking right in front of your sensor?

On the Clock: A Parkinson’s Perspective

by Allan Cole
Having Parkinson’s tempts you to become a timekeeper if not a clock-watcher.

The Two Brothers of Parkinson’s

by Christopher Lion
Recently I’ve come to know the two brothers of Parkinson’s, although I can’t say that I have been pleased to make their acquaintance.

Dear Ozzy, Keep Dreaming!

by Allan Cole
Dear Ozzy, It’s 1981 and I’m in the 8th grade. I spend a lot of time in my basement listening to your new record...

We Have Our Sh%t…and Each Other

by Allan Cole
We need to remind ourselves that we’re all in this life together...

The Iliad and the Albatross: On Foolish Optimism, Humility, and Heating Pads

by Bill Bucklew
Some of us who may seem, on the surface, to have it all figured out don’t.

A Decade of Living with Young Onset Parkinson’s

by Bryan M. Roberts
"I believe in going until I can't.... Parkinson's is viewed as a disease of diminishment, but i'm not sure it has to be."

Two Questions for Those Living with Parkinson’s (and Anyone Else)

by Allan Cole
Life changes with a chronic illness, but a life with Parkinson’s is still a life.

Lenses of Strength: On Truly Seeing Persons with Disabilities

by Allan Cole
When does one assume the status of disabled? I have thought about this question since my Parkinson’s diagnosis over three years ago.

Parkinson’s, Faces, and Sharing Our Humanity

by Allan Cole
The mask Parkinson’s forces us to wear is a cruel one. When we feel intensely and desperately want to share our emotions, we might be incapable.

“How Did You Know You Have Parkinson’s?”

by Allan Cole
Ultimately, finding out I have Parkinson’s required adhering to my belief that knowing the truth is better than running from it.

Getting to Grateful with Parkinson’s

by Allan Cole
I think a lot about gratitude these days.

Chronic Illness and Sojourning with Loss

by Allan Cole
Life endures amid our losses and illness.

Spelling Matters: Coping with a Recent Parkinson’s Diagnosis

by Ellen B. Pritsker
PD arrives with its own set of hard choices and challenges—and its own set of nuanced and nurturing rewards.

Choosing the Right Doctor

by Allan Cole
In all of our providers, we should look for and expect to have a relationship marked by at least these three essential qualities: collaboration, communication, and compassion.

Telling Your Parkinson’s Story

by Jimmy Choi
In this video, Jimmy Choi reflects on the importance of creating your own story with Parkinson's disease and of sharing it with others.

On A More Authentic Love: How Parkinson’s is Changing Me

by Allan Cole
It seems safe to say that I will not realize my dream to pitch for the Houston Astros.

Parkinson’s, Unfinished Spaces, and Spiritual Things

by Allan Cole
As with any chronic illness, Parkinson’s makes us journeyers. Against our will, it grabs us, disorients us, and places us on a path of discovery.

Five Questions for Bret Parker

by Bret Parker
I would want my newly-diagnosed self to know that I’m not in this alone.