Dear Friends of PD Wise,
I’m excited to tell you about my new project, a documentary film that focuses on young-onset Parkinson’s disease. My partner is filmmaker Vanessa Reiser, with whom I worked on a previous documentary, Empowered by Parkinson’s, which aired on PBS in 2020. We are excited about this new film that tells the stories of several people living with Parkinson’s, their challenges, and how they build resilience, maintain hope, and thrive with PD.
Featured in the new film are former NBA great, Brian Grant; Keri Shaw, an accomplished marathoner; Dr. Rodolfo Savica, a renowned neurologist, researcher, and movement disorder specialist based at The Mayo Clinic; Dr. Maria De Leon, a neurologist and movement disorder specialist who lives with Parkinson’s, and others, including me. Production has begun and I want to share the film’s trailer with you so that you get an idea of what we are working on. Here, you may preview The Only Day We Have. I will be posting additional clips from the film in the coming weeks.
I am also excited to share that KLRU, the PBS station in Austin, Texas, will air this documentary and help distribute it nationally. I hope you’ll enjoy the trailer. Please send me a note at allan(at)pdwise.com and let me know what you think.